All assigned numbers: L052
Common Names: Atabapo Butterfly Pleco, Atabapo Chameleon Pleco, Atabapo Flounder Pleco
Location: Colombia, Venezuela: Rio Atabapo

Compatibility: Fairly peaceful when young, but can be territorial and rough with other L052 as adults but serious injuries are quite rare
Sexing and Breeding:
Diet: An omnivore which should accept both veggies and meatier foods
Water parameters: Temp 26-30c PH 5.5-7.0
As these plecos are found in blackwater conditions in the wild, they need a soft, acidic environment in the aquarium.
Max Size: 15cm.
Bred by:
Additional Comments:
Zonancistrus are part of the Dekeyseria family
Common Names: Atabapo Butterfly Pleco, Atabapo Chameleon Pleco, Atabapo Flounder Pleco
Location: Colombia, Venezuela: Rio Atabapo

Compatibility: Fairly peaceful when young, but can be territorial and rough with other L052 as adults but serious injuries are quite rare
Sexing and Breeding:
Diet: An omnivore which should accept both veggies and meatier foods
Water parameters: Temp 26-30c PH 5.5-7.0
As these plecos are found in blackwater conditions in the wild, they need a soft, acidic environment in the aquarium.
Max Size: 15cm.
Bred by:
Additional Comments:
Zonancistrus are part of the Dekeyseria family