All assigned numbers: L134
Name: Peckoltia Compta
Common Names: Leopard Frog Pleco
Location: Brazil: Pará, Rio Tapajós (Pimental)

Compatibility: Mainly peaceful but can be a little territorial, this can be combated by providing plenty of hiding places and not over crowding.
Sexing and Breeding: Males develop odontodes on the front pectoral fins whereas females don't. Females are wider across the girth which is easier to see when viewed from above. Breeding isn't too difficult, the water needs to be more on the soft side with a max ph of 6.5. Leopard Frogs are cave spawners.
Diet:An omnivore that leans towards a meatier diet, so the main diet should consist of meaty foods such as frozen foods (tubifex, mosquito larvae, blood worms, artemia), dry foods (freeze-dried foods, flakes, granules), carnivore sinking pellets, and occasionally some small pieces of shrimp, mussels or fish fillet. Once acclimatized, it may also accept vegetable matter such as algae/spirulina disks and fresh vegetables (lettuce, zucchini/courgette, eggplant/aubergine, capsicum, carrot, peas, preboiled spinach).
Water parameters: Fairly easy going, ph should be between 6 and 7.5. The temp should be between 24-28c
Max Size: 4.4in
Bred by: windy, lealea, Scrapman53, thegeeman, Joby, psionic001
Breeding Log:See below, for questions and comments please refer to the original threads L134 Breeding Log + A brief guide to breeding L134's
Additional Comments:
Name: Peckoltia Compta
Common Names: Leopard Frog Pleco
Location: Brazil: Pará, Rio Tapajós (Pimental)

Compatibility: Mainly peaceful but can be a little territorial, this can be combated by providing plenty of hiding places and not over crowding.
Sexing and Breeding: Males develop odontodes on the front pectoral fins whereas females don't. Females are wider across the girth which is easier to see when viewed from above. Breeding isn't too difficult, the water needs to be more on the soft side with a max ph of 6.5. Leopard Frogs are cave spawners.
Diet:An omnivore that leans towards a meatier diet, so the main diet should consist of meaty foods such as frozen foods (tubifex, mosquito larvae, blood worms, artemia), dry foods (freeze-dried foods, flakes, granules), carnivore sinking pellets, and occasionally some small pieces of shrimp, mussels or fish fillet. Once acclimatized, it may also accept vegetable matter such as algae/spirulina disks and fresh vegetables (lettuce, zucchini/courgette, eggplant/aubergine, capsicum, carrot, peas, preboiled spinach).
Water parameters: Fairly easy going, ph should be between 6 and 7.5. The temp should be between 24-28c
Max Size: 4.4in
Bred by: windy, lealea, Scrapman53, thegeeman, Joby, psionic001
Breeding Log:See below, for questions and comments please refer to the original threads L134 Breeding Log + A brief guide to breeding L134's
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