All assigned numbers: L169, LDA01
Common Names: Gold Stripe Panaque
Location: The Rio Demini in Brazil
Appearance: adults are brown with paler brown stripes, the brown may be slightly russet in fins. the young are dark orange and cream stripes. The stripes go across the body in broad stripes and down the nose of the face in thin stripes. The eyes are quite large and slightly protruding. The belly is mottled.
Compatibility: shy and non-aggressive generally but will attack other fish that go in the nest hole if breeding. They can be kept in community tanks but only seen when come out to feed. the young are less shy and will feed in the daytime.
Sexing and Breeding: Sexing is very difficult. The male when ready to breed will have much more body hair than the female, but both have some hair. Breeding is best achieved with no other plecs in the tank because any other plecs trying to use the chosen nest hole will cause the male to eat the eggs or kick them out too early.
Typically 10 young at a time. Known to breed when a pair is present, not known if they will breed if a larger community of their own kind or if rival males might fight.
Diet: Wood is an essential part of the diet, as well as being needed for hiding places and nesting holes. regular fresh vegetables and algae wafers, plus will occasionally nibble prawns
Water parameters: soft, slightly aciid water prefered. ph 6-7
Max Size: 3.5 inches
Bred by: Irene0100
Breeding Log: See post below. For comments and questions please use the original thread LDA01 Log
Additional Comments:
Common Names: Gold Stripe Panaque
Location: The Rio Demini in Brazil
Appearance: adults are brown with paler brown stripes, the brown may be slightly russet in fins. the young are dark orange and cream stripes. The stripes go across the body in broad stripes and down the nose of the face in thin stripes. The eyes are quite large and slightly protruding. The belly is mottled.
Compatibility: shy and non-aggressive generally but will attack other fish that go in the nest hole if breeding. They can be kept in community tanks but only seen when come out to feed. the young are less shy and will feed in the daytime.
Sexing and Breeding: Sexing is very difficult. The male when ready to breed will have much more body hair than the female, but both have some hair. Breeding is best achieved with no other plecs in the tank because any other plecs trying to use the chosen nest hole will cause the male to eat the eggs or kick them out too early.
Typically 10 young at a time. Known to breed when a pair is present, not known if they will breed if a larger community of their own kind or if rival males might fight.
Diet: Wood is an essential part of the diet, as well as being needed for hiding places and nesting holes. regular fresh vegetables and algae wafers, plus will occasionally nibble prawns
Water parameters: soft, slightly aciid water prefered. ph 6-7
Max Size: 3.5 inches
Bred by: Irene0100
Breeding Log: See post below. For comments and questions please use the original thread LDA01 Log
Additional Comments: