All assigned numbers: L270, L307, LDA76
Common Names: Chocolate zebra pleco, tapajos pleco
Location: Brazil: Pará, Rio Curuá Una

Appearance: this fish is commonly mistaken (provided no catching locality is given) with h. debiliterra. The main points of body structure are shared by the two (somewhat large head, compact features), although, it's eyes are placed very highly on the top of the fish's head. Also, the caudal peduncle region has a bit more girth in L-270 than the reasonably slender tail of h. debiliterra. An confusing point of interest is that the fish designated with the Das Aquarium label "LDA-76", while listed as a synonym of L-270, may be, in fact, to be a different fish. It bears a similar color scheme, although often bearing a more complex and more frequent vermiculate pattern, but tends to grow larger and has a huge head with its eyes positioned even deeper along the back end and higher than those of L-270. However, they are very morphologically similar, and by an ametuerish standpoint, are not different enough to constitute speciation.**

More info: Identification of Hypancistrus
Compatibility: A fairly peaceful pleco but can be territorial if there is lack of space or insufficient caves/hiding places
Sexing and Breeding: A fairly small tank is sufficient for a (breeding) group: a tank width a surface area of 80x40cm. (32x16") is enough to house a (breeding) group of 5-6 individuals: the division of sexes is ideal with one male for every 2-3 females. To get these fish to breed, you need a heavily oxygenated tank with a number of spawning caves, a powerhead that runs water along the cave entrances, and a temperature that is raised to 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit (28-30 degrees Celsius).
Diet: An Omnivore that leans towards a meatier diet, sothe main diet should consist of meaty foods such as frozen foods (tubifex, mosquito larvae, blood worms, artemia), dry foods (freeze-dried foods, flakes, granules), carnivore sinking pellets, and occasionally some small pieces of shrimp, mussels or fish fillet. Once acclimatized, it will often also accept accepts vegetable matter such as algae/spirulina disks and fresh vegetables (lettuce, zucchini/courgette, eggplant/aubergine, capsicum, carrot, peas, preboiled spinach).
This species usually does not eat algae (it lacks suitable teeth for that task), so it's not a suitable fish to keep your tank free of algae.
Water parameters: Temp 26-30c PH 5.5-7.5
The L270 does best in warm, soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0-7,0), oxygen-rich water and a lot of currents. A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste.
Max Size: 10-12cm.
Bred by: cup, Irene0100, lealea
Breeding Logs: See below. For comments and questions, please see original threads- L270 Log
L270 chocolate zebra
Additional Comments:
Hypancistrus youngsters may require a more vegetable based diet according to Back to Nature Lnumbers book.
** Thank you to cup for permission to use the profile information from the Identification of Hypancistrus article
Some info used from
Common Names: Chocolate zebra pleco, tapajos pleco
Location: Brazil: Pará, Rio Curuá Una

Appearance: this fish is commonly mistaken (provided no catching locality is given) with h. debiliterra. The main points of body structure are shared by the two (somewhat large head, compact features), although, it's eyes are placed very highly on the top of the fish's head. Also, the caudal peduncle region has a bit more girth in L-270 than the reasonably slender tail of h. debiliterra. An confusing point of interest is that the fish designated with the Das Aquarium label "LDA-76", while listed as a synonym of L-270, may be, in fact, to be a different fish. It bears a similar color scheme, although often bearing a more complex and more frequent vermiculate pattern, but tends to grow larger and has a huge head with its eyes positioned even deeper along the back end and higher than those of L-270. However, they are very morphologically similar, and by an ametuerish standpoint, are not different enough to constitute speciation.**

More info: Identification of Hypancistrus
Compatibility: A fairly peaceful pleco but can be territorial if there is lack of space or insufficient caves/hiding places
Sexing and Breeding: A fairly small tank is sufficient for a (breeding) group: a tank width a surface area of 80x40cm. (32x16") is enough to house a (breeding) group of 5-6 individuals: the division of sexes is ideal with one male for every 2-3 females. To get these fish to breed, you need a heavily oxygenated tank with a number of spawning caves, a powerhead that runs water along the cave entrances, and a temperature that is raised to 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit (28-30 degrees Celsius).
Diet: An Omnivore that leans towards a meatier diet, sothe main diet should consist of meaty foods such as frozen foods (tubifex, mosquito larvae, blood worms, artemia), dry foods (freeze-dried foods, flakes, granules), carnivore sinking pellets, and occasionally some small pieces of shrimp, mussels or fish fillet. Once acclimatized, it will often also accept accepts vegetable matter such as algae/spirulina disks and fresh vegetables (lettuce, zucchini/courgette, eggplant/aubergine, capsicum, carrot, peas, preboiled spinach).
This species usually does not eat algae (it lacks suitable teeth for that task), so it's not a suitable fish to keep your tank free of algae.
Water parameters: Temp 26-30c PH 5.5-7.5
The L270 does best in warm, soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.0-7,0), oxygen-rich water and a lot of currents. A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste.
Max Size: 10-12cm.
Bred by: cup, Irene0100, lealea
Breeding Logs: See below. For comments and questions, please see original threads- L270 Log
L270 chocolate zebra
Additional Comments:
Hypancistrus youngsters may require a more vegetable based diet according to Back to Nature Lnumbers book.
** Thank you to cup for permission to use the profile information from the Identification of Hypancistrus article
Some info used from