I've had my pleco for about maybe 6 months. I haven't had any problems at all until recently. I had also had a betta in the tank(5 1/2 gallons) together and they were fine together. Then I noticed she was startin to get sick so I took her out and tried treating her because I believe she had ick. Then one night I come home and found her dead, though she was alive just a few hours before hand. Then I had gotten 3 more female bettas(all seperated) and also two serpae tetras. Sao I had the tetras, pleco and one betta together. Yesterday I came home and the tetras were dead. So I rinsed out the tank and wiped it down and cleaned everything. Then today I came home and one of the bettas died. Now I'm also noticing possibly fin rot on the pleco. Its only on his right side and I have a heater in the tank and he likes to go right next to it and the heater is touching that side. He also has was looks like a burn mark just behind his right eye. Along his sides and back he's got what looks like fuzz balls too. I don't know why this is happening. Help??