:wb: Hi everyone 8 and jacquiline:wb: I increased the Temp thinking it would stimulate them to eat. However, I have brought it back to normal. And once i stopped the Fix twins, they started eating again immdiately. Its been two days and they have been eating very well. I have removed the meds with warter changes and charcol. im conserned about the maracyn and my filters. So im trying another antibiotic, 100 percent natural called microb-lift, artemiss. And today is day 1 of 10 day treatment. Thanks for the heads up on the Temp making things worse.
Yes, I did wash the gravel. And during the change i did find some un eaten food that was fuzzy, kinda freaked me out, i do a good vaccum on fridays. Apparently i missed something. So im trying this new med now, crossing my fingers, temp back to normal, and hoping the fish will eat during this medication. Thanks for all the help so far! REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT! Ive also added another air stone, so now i have thee air stones and 2 hydro sponges, and two HLB, and dropped the water level about 4 inches so theres plenty of oxygen. Not sleeping at night so i'll have my eye on things, night owl anway. thanks and will check in, back in a few days. Crossing fingers!
thanks, georgie