All assigned numbers: L135, L121, L305
Name: Peckoltia braueri??
Common Names: L121, L135, Worm Line Peckoltia
Location: Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil
Compatibility: In most cases a peaceful and unproblematic fish that can be kept with a wide variety of fish. During the daytime this fish usually stays out of sight in one of its hiding places, but once dusk sets in it will become active and starts fouraging for food. Once acclimatized however, they often emerge out of their shell, and become active and very enjoyable little catfish.
Peckoltia's can be kept solitary as well as with its own kind. If a small group of these fish are kept together, it's very important to assure that all fish have enough room to set up little territories of their own, and that enough hiding places (plants, rocks, wood) are present. If not, this otherwise timid and peaceful fish can become stressed and develop a nasty, aggressive character towards its own kind as well as other bottom dwellers.
Sexing and Breeding: Mature males have long odontodes on the body, pectoral fin ray and behind the gill covers.
Diet: Like all members of the genus Peckoltia, this fish is an omnivore, meaning it feeds on both meaty foods and plant matter.
As far as the meaty foods go, once acclimatized this fish readily accepts foods like meaty pellets, insect larvae (blood worms, mosquito larvae), tubifex, krill and fresh shrimp. The herbivore part of this fish likes food items such as algae wafers, algae, fresh and (preboiled) vegetables.
Other than that, this fish often feeds on the organic matter that forms on submerged surfaces (plants, rocks, wood, aquarium walls) by rasping it off with its suckermouth. It will alsotake food remains left behind by tank mates, as well as soft wood. Not really ideal as an algae eater but shouldn't damage any plants you may have in the tank.
Water parameters: Temp 25-29c PH 5.5-7.5
This small catfish-species prefers a dimly lit tank with a good number of hiding places, either created with plants, drift wood, rocks or artificial (pleco spawning) caves. To keep more than one specimen in the same tank, or together with other bottom dwelling fish, you need at least a 40x16" (100x40cm.) tank: this fish can be quite territorial, and when suitable hiding places are lacking, it can be aggressive towards other bottom dwellers. When kept as only catfish in an aquarium, a tank size of 32x14" (80x35cm.) is sufficient.
The Peckoltia L135 does best in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 5.0-7,5), heavy oxygenation and a lot of underwater currents. A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste.
Max Size: 15cms
Bred by:
Additional Comments:
L121 is probably a similar looking peckotia to the L135 but from a different location. The L121 that is sold commercially is most likely the same pleco as L135. This is due to lack of exporting of the real L121.Some profile info used with permission from
L305 is definately Peckoltia braueri whereas the other two may be.
Name: Peckoltia braueri??
Common Names: L121, L135, Worm Line Peckoltia
Location: Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil
Compatibility: In most cases a peaceful and unproblematic fish that can be kept with a wide variety of fish. During the daytime this fish usually stays out of sight in one of its hiding places, but once dusk sets in it will become active and starts fouraging for food. Once acclimatized however, they often emerge out of their shell, and become active and very enjoyable little catfish.
Peckoltia's can be kept solitary as well as with its own kind. If a small group of these fish are kept together, it's very important to assure that all fish have enough room to set up little territories of their own, and that enough hiding places (plants, rocks, wood) are present. If not, this otherwise timid and peaceful fish can become stressed and develop a nasty, aggressive character towards its own kind as well as other bottom dwellers.
Sexing and Breeding: Mature males have long odontodes on the body, pectoral fin ray and behind the gill covers.
Diet: Like all members of the genus Peckoltia, this fish is an omnivore, meaning it feeds on both meaty foods and plant matter.
As far as the meaty foods go, once acclimatized this fish readily accepts foods like meaty pellets, insect larvae (blood worms, mosquito larvae), tubifex, krill and fresh shrimp. The herbivore part of this fish likes food items such as algae wafers, algae, fresh and (preboiled) vegetables.
Other than that, this fish often feeds on the organic matter that forms on submerged surfaces (plants, rocks, wood, aquarium walls) by rasping it off with its suckermouth. It will alsotake food remains left behind by tank mates, as well as soft wood. Not really ideal as an algae eater but shouldn't damage any plants you may have in the tank.
Water parameters: Temp 25-29c PH 5.5-7.5
This small catfish-species prefers a dimly lit tank with a good number of hiding places, either created with plants, drift wood, rocks or artificial (pleco spawning) caves. To keep more than one specimen in the same tank, or together with other bottom dwelling fish, you need at least a 40x16" (100x40cm.) tank: this fish can be quite territorial, and when suitable hiding places are lacking, it can be aggressive towards other bottom dwellers. When kept as only catfish in an aquarium, a tank size of 32x14" (80x35cm.) is sufficient.
The Peckoltia L135 does best in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 5.0-7,5), heavy oxygenation and a lot of underwater currents. A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste.
Max Size: 15cms
Bred by:
Additional Comments:
L121 is probably a similar looking peckotia to the L135 but from a different location. The L121 that is sold commercially is most likely the same pleco as L135. This is due to lack of exporting of the real L121.Some profile info used with permission from
L305 is definately Peckoltia braueri whereas the other two may be.