so we had a snow storm last Sat, most of Connecticut out of power , many still are. We just got it back on, freezing , house at night 42d burrrrrr. Kept the tanks covered with lots of blankets , temp in 54g got down to 64d at lowest. Did not feed anyone for 5 days, and tried to keep the filters going with Black & Decker portable batts, only kept going for few hours ,t hen had to keep re-charging them in the trucks cig lighers, but thank goodness i had that. the heater just couldnt pull enough from them .
54g seems ok, no am or ni and just did a sm wc.
The 20g has a big prob , i got sick from the cold house and concentrated on the 54g with the L128's , for 2 nights, i did not realize one of the HOB's on the 20g was running dry and brunt out for 2 day it was running dry, history ,including all the biomatrix inside ,the thing was nearly smoking.
The other HOB on 20g is fine , but not enough ,as i lost 1/2 of my biomedia.
I relocated some of the dither fish, aprox 3, but left 2 dithher ,and the calico bn -no choice, the blue phantoms creamed his butt before . He has to stay in the 20g.
Due to loss of 1 HOB ( I still have the 2 hydra-sponge filters in there too) I am getting bad water readings. amonia .25 and nitrItes 40 ! I am using Prime and the fish dont seem to be affected. acting natural , NOT hanging at top or bottom. Swimming fine .
So if i do a wc will that prolong this am and ni problem in the small tank?
Will i get ick from the low temps in tanks (64d) a few days till got more blankets and plastic on them. ?
advice pls
thanks georgie
going to bed shortly , still sick , thanks
54g seems ok, no am or ni and just did a sm wc.
The 20g has a big prob , i got sick from the cold house and concentrated on the 54g with the L128's , for 2 nights, i did not realize one of the HOB's on the 20g was running dry and brunt out for 2 day it was running dry, history ,including all the biomatrix inside ,the thing was nearly smoking.
The other HOB on 20g is fine , but not enough ,as i lost 1/2 of my biomedia.
I relocated some of the dither fish, aprox 3, but left 2 dithher ,and the calico bn -no choice, the blue phantoms creamed his butt before . He has to stay in the 20g.
Due to loss of 1 HOB ( I still have the 2 hydra-sponge filters in there too) I am getting bad water readings. amonia .25 and nitrItes 40 ! I am using Prime and the fish dont seem to be affected. acting natural , NOT hanging at top or bottom. Swimming fine .
So if i do a wc will that prolong this am and ni problem in the small tank?
Will i get ick from the low temps in tanks (64d) a few days till got more blankets and plastic on them. ?
advice pls
thanks georgie
going to bed shortly , still sick , thanks