Inhabitants -
3 x female Red eye red tail puffer fish - I had males that repeatedly committed suicide so i have to wait till I find one more. They are a very uncommon fish here.
1 x bumble bee goby
4 x corydora sterbai
Plants - Lots! mainly crypts, Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia glandulosa, stargrass, some sag. subulata.
CO2 - DIY - sugar, yeast, water.
Lighting - 2x 36W T5 HO @18000K
Tubes are way old and need replacing but everything is alive, so I don't want to fix what isn't broken.
Blackwater achieved by using adler cones and some oak leaves.
pH 4.0 - 4.5
It is very hard to photograph this tank cause of the black-water and the black background so please excuse some of the pics.
Filter with adler cones -
3 x female Red eye red tail puffer fish - I had males that repeatedly committed suicide so i have to wait till I find one more. They are a very uncommon fish here.
1 x bumble bee goby
4 x corydora sterbai
Plants - Lots! mainly crypts, Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia glandulosa, stargrass, some sag. subulata.
CO2 - DIY - sugar, yeast, water.
Lighting - 2x 36W T5 HO @18000K
Tubes are way old and need replacing but everything is alive, so I don't want to fix what isn't broken.
Blackwater achieved by using adler cones and some oak leaves.
pH 4.0 - 4.5
It is very hard to photograph this tank cause of the black-water and the black background so please excuse some of the pics.
Filter with adler cones -