All in One Plant Fertiliser


Technical Support Team
TFF Plant Nutrition +++ contains all essential nutrients needed including Nitrogen and Phosphorus but unlike the other Aquarium fertilisers available this is provided in dry form ready for mixing at your leisure.

TFF Plant Nutrition +++ is suitable for aquariums with large amounts of plants in relationship to a relatively small number of fish, in this environment the plants can lack Nitrogen and Phosphorus which would normally be supplied by fish waste.

TFF Plant Nutrition +++ is mixed to ensure a balanced blend of Nitrogen and Phosphorus that the plants can readily absorb through the leaves and with adequate substrate will promote luxurious growth.

TFF Plant Nutrition +++ is added on a daily basis at 5ml per 50ltr's of Aquarium water, ensure you keep a close eye on Algae levels as most Algae require the same conditions as our beloved Aquarium Plants, if this becomes a problem you will need to reduce dose by 50% and increase water changes.

TFF Plant Nutrition +++ will need mixing with 500ml of either Distilled or Reverse Osmosis water, simply put the powder into a suitable bottle, add water and shake. (can also be made with boiled and cooled tap water)

TFF Plant Nutrition +++ is best stored in the dark and will last for up to 6 months.

£6.99 with FREE Postage + Packing

As most of you know I'm a fish-keeper with a passion for plants and planted tanks, this mix has been done to help everyone with an all in solution, based on 'daily dosing ferts' I have been using for the last 18 months, now changed to an all in one dosing mix:dude:

Any questions please post or PM me:) Custom mixes can be made to order:)


Single Ferts £6.99 click button below to purchase​

Special offer purchase 2 for £10.00, click button below to purchase