For sale- Planted D/W
Type of fish/goods:- Plants on wood
Size:-start at 20cm x 20cm upto 80cm x 90cm
Plants have a minimum of 20 leaves upto multiple planted D/W with hundreds of leaves
Sex(if known):-They flower all the time
Qty available:- 5 small, 5 med, 5 lrg and 2 extra large, 1 Nano with approx 200+ leaves and Java
Price:-start $20.00 upto $165.00
Postage/shipping available?:-No Sorry
Location(if pick up only)?:-Camden/Campbelltown, NSW
Photos:-I will sms if you want but really need to be seen in person
Type of fish/goods:- Plants on wood
Size:-start at 20cm x 20cm upto 80cm x 90cm
Plants have a minimum of 20 leaves upto multiple planted D/W with hundreds of leaves
Sex(if known):-They flower all the time
Qty available:- 5 small, 5 med, 5 lrg and 2 extra large, 1 Nano with approx 200+ leaves and Java
Price:-start $20.00 upto $165.00
Postage/shipping available?:-No Sorry
Location(if pick up only)?:-Camden/Campbelltown, NSW
Photos:-I will sms if you want but really need to be seen in person