Ancistrus Rio Guaybo Uraguay


Oct 3, 2012
We have auctions at the end of every fish club meeting and fortunately we have a member that collects multiple times a year. He brought in some plecos that he collected in Uraguay last month while there for 3 weeks. It's apparently 1 male and 3 females and he labeled the bag as "Ancistrus Rio Guaybo". He keeps mainly cichlids so he brought back the cats for other members to introduce into the hobby. There were two bags of 1 pleco he brought back but only 1 bag of these so I'm apparently the only one that has these. When things are brought back its always stressed to BREED them for sale within the club and just said that they would needed a stronger flow than reg captive ancistrus

The pictures are crappy iPhone pictures because my DSLR batt is dead and is on charge. Will add better pics when charged. Any thoughts?


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