For sale/? Anubias Nana and Normal with roots
Type of fish/goods:- Aquatic Plants
Size:- Nana 5 cm normal 10 cm
Sex(if known):- NA
Qty available:- a few of each
Price:- nana $15 normal $ 10
Postage/shipping available?:- depends on location
Location(if pick up only)?:- Homebush west NSW 2140
Photos:- can sms
Contact:- 0422375300 all plants have minimum 5 leaves with roots and are algae free
Type of fish/goods:- Aquatic Plants
Size:- Nana 5 cm normal 10 cm
Sex(if known):- NA
Qty available:- a few of each
Price:- nana $15 normal $ 10
Postage/shipping available?:- depends on location
Location(if pick up only)?:- Homebush west NSW 2140
Photos:- can sms
Contact:- 0422375300 all plants have minimum 5 leaves with roots and are algae free