For sale/wtb?Plants-Driftwood
Type of fish/goods:- Various Anubius, Java Fern, Bolbitus, Crypts, Green Lotus & Osirus Swords. Attached to wood or not, I have both.
Size:-Very small to very large
Sex(if known):-
Qty available:-Heaps, my 5ft is over grown & I want to get rid of atleast half of the plants/driftood. See below...
Price:-Come over, have a look & make an offer. Quality pieces, all offers considered. WILL TRADE.
Postage/shipping available?:-No
Location(if pick up only)?:-Penrith 2750
Photos:-Can sms pics of tank but not individual plants or wood.
My 5ft is completely over run by plants again & i need to get rid of some. I have various anubius, Java fern, Bolbitus, green lotus, Crypts & Osirus swords id like to part with. Id have at least 15 peices of driftwood with the above plants attached to them. sizes ranging from 10cm to over 45cm, a couple have 3 or so varieties attached. I also have a 70kg tub full of slate avaliable. Can SMS pics of tank but not indiviual plants or wood. Come over, have a look & make an offer, all offers considered. Willing to trade. No emails.
Type of fish/goods:- Various Anubius, Java Fern, Bolbitus, Crypts, Green Lotus & Osirus Swords. Attached to wood or not, I have both.
Size:-Very small to very large
Sex(if known):-
Qty available:-Heaps, my 5ft is over grown & I want to get rid of atleast half of the plants/driftood. See below...
Price:-Come over, have a look & make an offer. Quality pieces, all offers considered. WILL TRADE.
Postage/shipping available?:-No
Location(if pick up only)?:-Penrith 2750
Photos:-Can sms pics of tank but not individual plants or wood.
My 5ft is completely over run by plants again & i need to get rid of some. I have various anubius, Java fern, Bolbitus, green lotus, Crypts & Osirus swords id like to part with. Id have at least 15 peices of driftwood with the above plants attached to them. sizes ranging from 10cm to over 45cm, a couple have 3 or so varieties attached. I also have a 70kg tub full of slate avaliable. Can SMS pics of tank but not indiviual plants or wood. Come over, have a look & make an offer, all offers considered. Willing to trade. No emails.