banjo catfish -paracite?


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
just bought a group of banjos, but when I looked closer at them the next day when settled, one seems to have a strange lump. from the pic i wondered if it was a mite or something rather than a sore.

here is another more normal looking one..

anyway I have treated with a dose of wormer as I has some in the cupboard. so will have a look tomorrow and see if any different -thats if I can find them!


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
It definitely look like a tumour, or possibly Lymphocystis, neither of which is treatable. I'd be tempted to just keep an eye on it.

I had some wild Splash Tetras that developed gill tumours that looked like this (is this lump growing through the operculum (gill cover)? it looks too far forward), which are apparently treatable and to do with iodine deficiency in the thyroid (although I only found this out later).

cheers Darrel