I know I'll probably regret this but I've decided to move on a few of my fish to free up some time and room.
L397 Breeding group 2Male 2Female.
All breeders as they have spawned at the same time.
I have raised these from fry.
First spawn from this group January 2012 and many since so still a young group.
Average sized spawns of 40odd.
Will not split the 4 at this stage and can throw in a few juvies to sweeten the deal.
Great breeders $800 firm.
L333 colony 9 fish
Ive grown all (except the 2 10cm males) up from fry in this colony and they are very good quality 333s with bright colours.
I recently gave them there own tank and bought two mature males and they spawned straight away. That was april this year.
There was then another spawn 7 days later different female. Not sure on sex ratio as some have some maturing to do still.
2@10cm (males)
Young colony, no splitting
$1000 firm.
Peppermint BN breeding colony
2Male 4Female 9-12cm (plus sub adult and juvies)
These fish have produced probably over 1000 fry. Both males have bred but I couldnt tell you which females have.
Have not bred for me since splitting them into 2 trios and changing tanks so would prefer to sell them as a colony. One of the males is around 5yrs old now but is still a good dad.
There is also another pep near maturity in the tank which Ill throw in along with a couple of the remaining 4-5cm juvies.
$400 firm no splitting
All prices are fair as with one successful spawn from any of these fish they would have paid for themselves with interest.
No pics at this stage but if you search my threads on here you will find pics of these exact fish and details of there first spawns or if your in Perth you are welcome to come have a look if your genuinely interested.
I am able to arrange someone to ship these fish for you at extra cost.
PM if interested.
L397 Breeding group 2Male 2Female.
All breeders as they have spawned at the same time.
I have raised these from fry.
First spawn from this group January 2012 and many since so still a young group.
Average sized spawns of 40odd.
Will not split the 4 at this stage and can throw in a few juvies to sweeten the deal.
Great breeders $800 firm.
L333 colony 9 fish
Ive grown all (except the 2 10cm males) up from fry in this colony and they are very good quality 333s with bright colours.
I recently gave them there own tank and bought two mature males and they spawned straight away. That was april this year.
There was then another spawn 7 days later different female. Not sure on sex ratio as some have some maturing to do still.
2@10cm (males)
Young colony, no splitting
$1000 firm.
Peppermint BN breeding colony
2Male 4Female 9-12cm (plus sub adult and juvies)
These fish have produced probably over 1000 fry. Both males have bred but I couldnt tell you which females have.
Have not bred for me since splitting them into 2 trios and changing tanks so would prefer to sell them as a colony. One of the males is around 5yrs old now but is still a good dad.
There is also another pep near maturity in the tank which Ill throw in along with a couple of the remaining 4-5cm juvies.
$400 firm no splitting
All prices are fair as with one successful spawn from any of these fish they would have paid for themselves with interest.
No pics at this stage but if you search my threads on here you will find pics of these exact fish and details of there first spawns or if your in Perth you are welcome to come have a look if your genuinely interested.
I am able to arrange someone to ship these fish for you at extra cost.
PM if interested.