For Sale Breeding colonies of catfish daisy hill


New Member
Aug 22, 2016
2F2M L270 catfish, 8cm have not bred for me but have for previous owner. With extra care I'm sure it can happen, I would recommend Indian Almond Leaves but I ran out so no hope for me! ($250 fish only/$300 with tank and caves/$280 for fish and caves)

3F1M L202 catfish, 10cm+. 10 x fry as proof. Seemed to really enjoy a wave maker and this is what prompted spawning (along with above mentioned Indian Almond Leaves). The fry are nearly at a sellable size. ($350 for colony/ $400 colony and fry/$430 colony fry and caves/$450 conony, fry, tank and caves)

Fry are up for grabs separately L202 ($30)

I have 2M1F peppermint Bristle nose the biggest is about 9cm. ($100)

L397, 1M1F perhaps, only about 5cm so hard to sex and I don't see them often! ($50)

Have guppies, free I guess.

Breeding colonies come with caves and tanks and all equipment if necessary and a good swap is done.

Looking at going away from the fish side of things, hobbies has turned into a love of underwater gardens

Will take offers of cash but I'm looking for:
C02 components or systems, lights(6foot or two time 3foot), hardscape materials and plants. Fertilised substrates. TV or PlayStation would be cool too. RO units with good filters. Water barrels.. discus fish or even something as far out as a motorbike or computer. Mini planted tank set ups
Hit me up anyway!