Hi all,
I have read many forums and advice on breeding L333's I have 3 of them one female and 2 male.
have had them for about 4/5 months. Do changes before rain say around 30/40% and also do mid water change to get rid of poo and left over foods.
Both males go into caves.. stick there tails out.. flag ect... Ph is 7 and temp 29
What would i be doing wrong?
I feed them blood worms once every 2 weeks, myisis shrimp every now and then and hikari pellets every 2 days.. they also get zucchini every other but only like the skin and they dont mind pumpkin.
Any help would be fantastic.
Oh and there tank has driftwood, caves for both males, indian leaves, bare bottom(once had sand, changed to see difference in behaviour.. still the same)
There in a low traffic area...
?? me confused... :/
I have read many forums and advice on breeding L333's I have 3 of them one female and 2 male.
have had them for about 4/5 months. Do changes before rain say around 30/40% and also do mid water change to get rid of poo and left over foods.
Both males go into caves.. stick there tails out.. flag ect... Ph is 7 and temp 29
What would i be doing wrong?
I feed them blood worms once every 2 weeks, myisis shrimp every now and then and hikari pellets every 2 days.. they also get zucchini every other but only like the skin and they dont mind pumpkin.
Any help would be fantastic.
Oh and there tank has driftwood, caves for both males, indian leaves, bare bottom(once had sand, changed to see difference in behaviour.. still the same)
There in a low traffic area...
?? me confused... :/