

Oct 16, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am not that clued up on terminology chemistry wise but don't want to assume just because it does not say the words chloramine that it isn't there. Would it ever be written as anything else? All I see on the chart is chlorine.



Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
chloramine is basically used to disinfect pipes and water tanks I don't trust the stuff and always use a filter to remove it.
The water board use it as a cheap way of ensuring that the water is "Clean" it is quite good at rotting plastic


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
They would just measure it as chlorine, from the break down of the chloramine into ammonia and chlorine. The water company should be able to tell you whether they ever use it. The main problems have come when they've put an emergency dose in after water main work etc. We had an absolute spate of deaths this time last year, which I'm sure were attributable to "emergency chloramine" dosing.

Prime should complex it.

cheers Darrel


Oct 16, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
unfortunately like with any company they are very vague. I am using seachem prime now. It isn't much to ask what goes in the water since you don't just place that water in with the fish but also drink it.

Also chloramine being more dangerous for your health apparently and wont break down like chlorine. Not the main issue anyway.

I do not really trust the water board and understand why people use RO systems but this is not possible for me or practical maybe.

They are not reluctant to ask for bill payments but are to tell you what you are paying for.

How would you measure chloramine/chlorine in the water yourself?

Maybe emergency chlorine killed my plecs the last time. I can tell when they are adding stuff as even I wont drink it. Might put seachem prime in my drinking water. Hate chlorine so can see how fish feel swimming in it.


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
How would you measure chloramine/chlorine in the water yourself?
You can measure chlorine with test strips that use "DPD", a chemical indicator that reacts with the chlorine present and how pink it goes indicates the chlorine level. You can buy these relatively cheaply for swimming pools etc. "AquaChek" is the brand.

I think for all the other methods (DPD colourimetry & Amperometric monitoring) you need lab equipment.

The ammonia will still read on test strips even using Prime or Amquel, but it is chemically bound and not dangerous to the fish.

I think the level of chlorination is fairly low in the UK, in the USA they use much higher levels, which is partially why they tend to get stomach problems when they go abroad.

cheers Darrel


Apr 16, 2011
Highlands of Scotland
The level of chlorination in the UK is definitely lower than the US - after being there on holiday a few years ago, I really noticed it. However, I was quite impressed with my local water board, as they sent me a letter a few years ago to notify me that they were going to start adding chloramine to the water, so at least I was aware of it. I just switched to Prime, and have had no issues at all (it's actually working out cheaper than the previous water conditioner I was using). If you're not sure, ask the water board and use the whole "Freedom of Information" tactic, worth a go!

Brita filter jugs are great for filtering drinking water by the way - I find they make a huge difference to drinking water. I hate the taste of chlorine too.