community tank


Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
Not advised discus to flourish need a very special set up.
In fact all fish to flourish need special care as do all things.


Oct 16, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
I love discus and have looked up lots about them as also was wanting to have them in a community setup but have been advised not to do that.

I have seen people keep discus with angels before and know lots of people do stuff that others would not recommend. Seems to work for some and not others.

I was told discus can be skittish and wont like being spooked by other flighty fish, dont like strong currents that other community fish might like, need heavily planted setups and need higher temps which may not suit others. Don't like to be on there own, are expensive and sensitive so I wouldn't like to spend all that money on a large group of discus if I wasn't sure they were going to mix in my community setup as beautiful as they are.

That is just my take on them by what I have researched and been told.

Angels are not community fish, I always assumed they were because others kept them in community tanks but they get nipped to bits off other fish look rubbish and become aggressive towards the rest of the tank when breeding and will force the rest of the tank to the other side when guarding eggs. So not the best idea for a peaceful community tank.


Pleco Profiles Team - RIP FRIEND
May 1, 2009
I love discus and have looked up lots about them as also was wanting to have them in a community setup but have been advised not to do that.

I have seen people keep discus with angels before and know lots of people do stuff that others would not recommend. Seems to work for some and not others.

I was told discus can be skittish and wont like being spooked by other flighty fish, dont like strong currents that other community fish might like, need heavily planted setups and need higher temps which may not suit others. Don't like to be on there own, are expensive and sensitive so I wouldn't like to spend all that money on a large group of discus if I wasn't sure they were going to mix in my community setup as beautiful as they are.

That is just my take on them by what I have researched and been told.

Angels are not community fish, I always assumed they were because others kept them in community tanks but they get nipped to bits off other fish look rubbish and become aggressive towards the rest of the tank when breeding and will force the rest of the tank to the other side when guarding eggs. So not the best idea for a peaceful community tank.

This is fantastic some one who is reading and taking notice.
I am impressed with this


Aug 25, 2010
Queensland, Australia
i think you can keep discus with angels, not with clown loaches tho.
discus n Angelfish come from the same environments and are quite often found in the wild schooling together
Heiko Bleher even did a biotope with peruvians and the green/blue discus



Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
I do not think it is an issue of keeping them together , it is however when they breed and lay eggs that the angels get territorial and thus keep a large area for themselves. maybe keep all males ? cheers jk :thumbup:


May 4, 2011
Hi My angels are no longer laying eggs not sure if they are too old i bred them myself and have had them for a few years now so the egg thing won't be an issue i went to see someone who speculises in discus and he had clown loach in with his he also tested my water and say's it is fine for discus i only have the angels and clown loach in the tank so i think it may be ok to try a couple and see how we go will let you know how i get on with them thanks every one for your comments it is apreciated.