Hi Everyone,
I am a complete newbie to fish keeping.
I bought a Fish tank and the owner didnt tell me it already came with fish, one of these is a 'Albino' Pleco, well thats what she called it.
I have been reading up on them and they facinate me; never heard of them before last Thursday.
However, could someone please help me I.D this Pleco, and maybe sex if possible from my photos. It is currently about 11" - 12". and the lady who gave it me said it is old, but she got it from someone before me.
Im captivated by it and i want to know how to care for it properly and let it be happy.
Please some one help, thank you
Let me know if you need more photos.
I am a complete newbie to fish keeping.
I bought a Fish tank and the owner didnt tell me it already came with fish, one of these is a 'Albino' Pleco, well thats what she called it.
I have been reading up on them and they facinate me; never heard of them before last Thursday.
However, could someone please help me I.D this Pleco, and maybe sex if possible from my photos. It is currently about 11" - 12". and the lady who gave it me said it is old, but she got it from someone before me.
Im captivated by it and i want to know how to care for it properly and let it be happy.
Please some one help, thank you
Let me know if you need more photos.