(Cory) Scleromystax prionotos spawned

We got some Scleromystax Prionotos a few years ago and kept them with some Barbatus we are growing on for breeding stock, Andy had even forgot we had them.

Andy is moving fish tanks around in the main fish house, he put the Prionotos in a tank with some guppies in the new section of fish tanks, in what we call the conservatory (first section of the fish house as you enter).

They have gone and spawned :woohoo: i took the eggs out and put them in a little fry tank, i counted about 20 eggs then saw a leaf with loads on so im guessing they could be about 50 eggs, the eggs are smaller than the Barbatus eggs and they are looking ok so far. Fingers crossed.

Sorry i dont have any pics of them.


May 18, 2009
Thats great news :woohoo: I love Scleromystax species, I'd love to see more people keeping them. Let us know how you get on.
