Cover glasses, good or bad idea?


Jul 21, 2011
Mid_Suffolk, UK
On a bit of a mission to find out what a pair of cover glasses is going to cost and came across a DIY aquarium page with the following

Do not put a solid glass cover on top of an aquarium, as this restricts the oxygen-carbon dioxide gas exchange efficiency, resulting in poor or inadequate aeration of the aquarium.
How valid is this?

Original text here


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
the glass won't cost much at all, just ask your local glass co. what off cuts they can cut to the size you want, thickness doesn't really matter.

as for stopping the gas exchange, only an airtight seal would cause you problems, a lot of people have cover glass and have no problems at all.
i guess when that article says about solid glass covers they mean one that covers and seals the whole top of the tank:dk:


Jul 21, 2011
Mid_Suffolk, UK
Always had cover glasses before with no problems that I knew of, never heard of them causing problems so thought I'd ask, see if there'd been a cover-glass epiphany in the last 10 years..

Wifey suggested acrylic but the stuff I used for the cover glasses on the frogs isn't very clear now, don't want them to restrict whatever lighting I end up with..



I always use fairly tight fitting cover glasses with no issues. You could always add a venturi loop or an airstone fed from the outside air if it worries you. The main thing I like about cover glasses is that you know the tank residents can't escape. I've had and know of others who have had fish jump/climb out of the top of a tank and once lost a beautiful snowball plec this way and there was only a small gap for it to escape from. Nothing worse than finding the dried and shriveled carcass of your prized fish on the floor by the side of the tank.

I get mine cut to size by my local glazier who also sells the plastic runners which are commonly used on vivariums but work very nicely on fish tanks to. Normally costs me about £20 for 2 sheets of 4mm glass and runners for a 4ft tank complete with two small thick bits of glass 8mm to glue on as handles.
