Double 2ft setup advice?


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
Cairns, AUS
Hey all.
Okay, I will try explain this the best way I can.
I have 2 2ft tanks next to each other, both running OTTO PF-1200N (1200L\h) filters. See for an image.

And I was thinking about having both the filters outlets hooked up to a hose which goes into the other tank. So it cycles through both tanks, if you get my drift. The outlet pipe would go somewhere along the bottom of the other tank on the opposite side of the filter, to ensure proper circulation.

What I want to know is, would this sort of set up be beneficial at all to me? Pros or cons?
Is there much point in really doing it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


Jan 11, 2010
newcastle nsw
Hope i understand yr question
It will only work if u have a hole in the top of the tank or a hole in the bottom with a standpipe.
Reason why if yr 2 filters get a little blocked they will pump water at different rates and this will course an overflow in 1 of yr tanks.

But i understand y u want this as i use 6 tanks to 1 sump. The bigger the water volume the easier it is to manage as Parameters are more stable. And less electricity as u will only have to have 1 heater and 1 pump.

The only down side and this can be a very big down side, if u have a disease it can spread to all fish in the setup. I lost 25 breeding Discus this way to hole in head disease so be careful and always quarantine yr fish.

Good luck