Dropsy dilemma


Retired Staff
May 7, 2009
Chester, UK
About 10 days ago when I came back from uni one of my torpedo barbs looked to have developed 'dropsy'. I treated with Interpet Anti-internal bacteria at roughly x1.5 recommended dose.

When I came back yesterday the fish is still the same.

So my dilemma is that I want to put it into my QT tank but it has some Brochis, Corys and Leporacanthicus. These fish are have been in for 3/4 weeks now and are good to go but at least the Leporacanthicus will go into the tank that the dropsy barb has come from.

Ive had look around, and the general consensus is that dropsy is not contagious. What are your opinions about it?

Also anything to help with the dropsy? Im going to try some epsom salt and another med.


Retired Staff
Aug 9, 2009
West Midlands
I believe a bristlenose of mine had dropsy a couple of weeks ago. He blew up like a beachball! even his eyes seemed to disappear into his head he was so swollen :eek:hmy: I treated with Esha 2000 not expecting it to work as I'd had a betta with it a few years back and even antibiotics didn't help it. After 4 days of treatment he went completely back to normal and is happy munching his way through courgette again :D

So I would heartily recommend this treatment. Nobody else in the tank got sick either so whether it is or isn't catching is debatable but I did treat the whole tank as a precaution as I didn't know what set him off in the first place :dk:

Good luck with your torpedo barb :)


Retired Staff
Apr 28, 2009
North Yorks
A few of my fish have had dropsy over the years and it has always been an isolated fish. I would leave the barb in the main tank UNLESS you are worried that the meds could affect your panaque.

I have not known plecs to get dropsy, bloat yes, but not dropsy.