Dumb Luck!


New Member
Jun 14, 2013
Recently, I decided I was going to check something off the ol' bucket list and asked my husband for a fish tank for my birthday. I received a beautiful 15 gallon glass half moon tank. I started doing research on what are good beginner fish, and the basics on care. Started off with natural rocks, researched a few decorations that had good reviews, and started my first fish family of 2 types of 9 Tetra. I went with the a Tibetan/Buddha theme and decided I wanted a few pieces of bamboo and Amazon Sword. I decided spur of the moment to get "one of those sucker fish." Within a month, I was in love with my Pleco. It was just dumb luck I ended up with it in the first place.

I'm excited to have access to so many Pleco enthusieists and look forward to learning lots from everyone!

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