Hello I am still realtively new to the forum but please help! I went and got 6 beautiful caudimaculatus corydoras yesterday and today while we were out they seemed to have laid eggs on the glass and some plants! I have set up a 5g with heater and mini elite filter and moved most as gently as I could, we have left 3 on the plants and the rest are in the tank (unfortuntely dropped 3 and cant find again). Have I done alright so far? Should I put stokcings/tights over the filter intake to ensure if anything does hatch they dont get sucked up? We are really excited as first eggs ever and really hope one or two of these pull through. I have the mini elite filter on high setting to get best flow around the eggs and hopefully stop fungus. It is typical we couldnt have discovered them before the hour trip and hour trip back on two buses each way to the fish shop:lol: I am excited (apologies)