Eheim 2180 problems - LCD and flow


Retired Staff
May 7, 2009
Chester, UK
I've been having trouble recently with one of my Eheim 2180's. A month or so ago the flow rate had dropped suddenly. So I opened it up to give it a clean and to my surprise the filter media was suspiciously clean, as it's normally just a brown mess. The top tray pre filter was healthily dirty but the Eheim ehfimech and Sera Siporax baskets media were barren. I gave them a rinse anyway and set it back in motion (queue the epic saga that is restarting a 2180). And it began to run ok again.

But then about 10 days ago we lost power to the house for about 3 hours. When power returned it resumed ok, but in the past few days or so, the flow has dropped suddenly again and the filter head is quite noisy, as normally it's dead silent. It's a humming noise rather than the crash/cackle of air. And the LCD temperature display is acting up. Rather than displaying the current temperature it just flashes 0.1 celsius or 3.4 fahrenheit. I tried adjusting the temperature and turning it on/off to no avail. I think the heater itself is still working as the tank is still showing 27c from a thermometer (which I don't really trust) but have added a 300w heater to be safe. However, over night the LCD had returned to normal but as of this afternoon has now started flashing 0.1c again.

The tank that the 2180 runs in is 120x60x45cm c.320L with 30% WC every 2/3 days, also runs an Eheim 2215 external and 3451 internal (essentially a 6 basket 2252) and Aquaball internal. And houses a 40cm L190 and a few smaller plecs.

So, hopefully someone can wave their magic wand and say "Matthew, just do X, Y and Z and everything will be hunky dory." As I'm getting quite exasperated with this filter as I don't know what I'm doing wrong or it's doing wrong.


Jul 24, 2009
Have you cleaned the pipework recently? according to Eheim the main cause of flow drop off is dirty pipework...Make sure the intake pipe is not blocking up...Other things to check, have a look at the impeller and make sure that the magnet is not detached from the plastic parts...These should be glued to the magnet to make a solid piece...Also make sure the ceramic shaft is not damaged.
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Retired Staff
May 7, 2009
Chester, UK
Last time I opened it the impeller and ceramic shaft were fine, although this could have changed in the mean time. The two inlet pipes are still drawing a decent amount of water through them, far more than is being pushed out. I will replace them though soon enough. In the next couple of days I may crack it open again, as I can move a FX5 on to the tank if I need to.

I'm reluctant to open the filter because I want the bacteria to replenish fully after the power cut and also that I find it's a nightmare to prime again. I think the design is flawed in that the 2 inlet pipes don't create enough force/suction and the topsy turvy nature of the flow through the canister. And the L shape flexible pipe that is used to direct water from the impeller chamber up and out through adapter unit and outlet pipe. Several times I've found this dislodged and blocking the flow. I have to use a pump to force feed the filter as gravity can't seem to do it on it's own.


Retired Staff
May 7, 2009
Chester, UK
I've noticed now that the LCD screen now flashes between the current temperature (around 27c) and 0.1c :dk: The filter should still be under warranty, is this an issue I take up with Eheim or the place of sale?

The flow rate is still pathetic, so I will try new pipes soon, but will probably move an FX5 on to it in the mean time.


Jul 24, 2009
I like my customers to deal with me as I tend to help them out with a filter while the problem is being resolved.
Eheim allways want the retailers to send them back for repair, if still under warranty...This can take up to 2 weeks before it is returned :wb: This is no use at all to you as you need a filter to keep the fish alive, so hopefully you have an understanding LFS.