Feeding algae to plecs


Jan 11, 2010
newcastle nsw
Hi Guys, hoping for a little advice.
I grow a lot of plants outside and i am forever removing string/blanket algae from the tanks. I occasionally put some in my guppy tank and they feed off the zooplankton in the algae, Including daphina and bloodworms.

I was wondering if i could put this under a rock in my plec tank, would they like it? Are there any risks I should be aware of?

TIA Aaron


Global Moderators
Staff member
May 5, 2009
Wiltshire nr. Bath, UK
Hi all,
I think any risk is very slight. There is more of a possibility of getting parasites in an out-door pond, especially if it contains fish (they can be vectored by birds, insects etc.), but I think this risk is still fairly low.

I would remove any obvious large leeches or Dragonfly larvae, but other than that I wouldn't worry unduly.
they feed off the zooplankton in the algae.
This is combination of algae and invertebrates is the periphyton, biofilm or "aufwuchs" via the Skeptical Aquarist (well worth a read )<http://www.skepticalaquarist.com/docs/biofilm/measure.shtml>, the natural food of many Plecs - good article on PC <http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworld/shanesworld.php?article_id=382>, as well as Malawi mbuna, Tropheus, Stiphodon Gobies, Amano shrimps, Hill stream Loaches etc.

If you keep BN's (Ancistrus) or GN's (Baryancistrus), L52 etc. I think it is a very good idea. We had a post a while ago where I think it ws Jo(Zebs) who rotates pebbles from a shallow outside tray where they get covered in algae to the tank, and as soon as they are cleaned back out into the outside tray.

In fact just found it <http://www.plecoplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4047>.

cheers Darrel