Fresh, Salty, and Scaled!


Nov 7, 2009
Lets start with the freshwater since that's what all us plecofanatics have :p

First two are my recent batch of longfin bn's, mother is albino lf, father is brown reg

One of my Electric Cats named "Snausage"

Now throw in the salt!
Slipper Lobster

Pink Pincushion Urhcin

Black Rock Urchin

Black Volitans Lionfish

My invert Estuary tank

And just 2 (of my 4) of the scaled kind, meet Cassie and Orion (Cassie is an Axanthic Ball python and Orion is her mate a Fire Ball Python) named after constellations

Hope you enjoy!

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Nov 7, 2009
Scatz, you'd be happy in my snake room then lol. Cassie (only first few inches pictured above) is gravid and due in a few months. My other two are males, a young Axanthic and a roughly 3 foot Yellow Belly. I'm picking up a Yellow Belly female this week to work on getting some of those gorgeous Ivory Ball Pythons (for those who don't know it's an off white Ball Python with black eyes)! I'm definitely excited about the upcoming eggs and future combinations. I'll post pics when they arrive! Ball Pythons are my passion when it comes to snakes but I've kept many different kinds including Kingsnakes, Red tail boas, Rainbow boas, Reticulated Pythons, Burmese Pythons, Ratsnakes, Garter snakes, and even had the honor of being bitten by a Copperhead x.x!

Skilldeft, agreed, Slipper Lobsters are awesome! However mine, named "Slobby", likes to kill expensive things D: he knocked off 2 mexican turbo snails the size of tennis balls and a long spine urchin. Now he gets to eat clams and muscles from the grocery store. It's not helping his "search and destroy" skills but it's always fun watching a lobster without pinchers/claws open a clam half his size. He never gives up though and he's also hand fed every so often which is pretty interesting. Have to shoo the lionfish away when I hand feed though because he's another one who thinks everything that enters the tank is for him to eat lol.
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Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
how big were the retics and Burms that you had? never had anything that could eat me, although i do know of a guy in town that has a conservatory built for his green anaconda's!!
when i was into the hobby, they had just made the albino royal strain, not long after albino boa's first appeared.
i had red tails, royal pythons, Macklots pythons (nasty snakes lol), lots of different ratsnakes that were all breeding well, but a change in career meant that i didn't have time to keep on top of them, 1 day to clean out (we had over 40 adults in the end) and feed, next day clean again cos you could guarentee they'd mess the vivs after eating, then 1 day to catch and kill loads of rats from the shed, then had all the cages to clean out, just didn't have enough days lol.
i find keeping fish much easier, but not quite as satisfying as getting snakes breeding, amazing animals.


Nov 7, 2009
The retic was about 5 feet and the burmese was 9 feet before I had to downsize and take a break from keeping herps. Now that I have the resources and time for breeding projects with the snakes I've dedicated my efforts to my all time favorite the ball python. There are such a huge range of morphs that are just amazing that I don't see how anyone could resist them lol. You're right though when it comes to maintenance, I keep fish, snakes, small animals, and dogs/cats so it's a full time job keeping everything up to par. It's worth it though, there's nothing more rewarding then watching animals grow, thrive, and produce beautiful offspring.



Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
so whats the most wanted snake nowadays?, because they were new, it was the albino boa in my time, but the albino Balls were top on my list, at £4,000 GBP each though, they were never going to be on my shopping list. i was about to get some green tree pythons just before i quit, so never got to keep them either:cry:


Retired Staff
Apr 21, 2009
Auckland, NZ
Lol, opened this thread thinking i was going to see a piece of fish on a plate, nice fish mate love the lobster, i found one of those black rock urchins before, and it crawled away when i put it down!

Edit: how many times have you put your hands in with the electric catty?

Steve C

Dec 14, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
how big were the retics and Burms that you had? never had anything that could eat me, although i do know of a guy in town that has a conservatory built for his green anaconda's!!
when i was into the hobby, they had just made the albino royal strain, not long after albino boa's first appeared.
i had red tails, royal pythons, Macklots pythons (nasty snakes lol), lots of different ratsnakes that were all breeding well, but a change in career meant that i didn't have time to keep on top of them, 1 day to clean out (we had over 40 adults in the end) and feed, next day clean again cos you could guarentee they'd mess the vivs after eating, then 1 day to catch and kill loads of rats from the shed, then had all the cages to clean out, just didn't have enough days lol.
i find keeping fish much easier, but not quite as satisfying as getting snakes breeding, amazing animals.
OMG 40 snakes, my skin crawls if I see a picture of a snake LOL.


Nov 7, 2009
Scatz, there are so many new morphs these days but some of the most expensive going are Piebalds, and Double Morphs or Morphs with Het's. Piebald is on my shopping list, just not yet lol, it's a beautiful morph, but there are so many amazing ones it's hard to narrow down the best.

Rabbit, lol yeah after reading the title it sounds like a seafood dish xD As for the Electric cats, I do hand feed but of course very carefully. I have been shocked probably too many times lol but usually during maintenance, they hate me though for some reason :( but they let everyone else pet them >.>! My other Electric Cat "Hot Links" is the aggressor of the two, he'll charge you! (no pun intended lol) I dunno, maybe since they know I love them too much they know it's ok to shock me and I won't turn them into a nightlight.

Dylanlovesplecs, awww it's a bummer to see someone who doesn't like snakes. They get such a bad reputation. Their bite is no worse than a cat scratch (I got bit the other day getting "Aries" my young Axanthic Ball Python out since he was a rescue and hasn't been worked with correctly so I'm slowly introducing him to the world of people but he's not too happy about it lol) and I don't know who the first person was to claim snakes were slimey but boy are they sorely mistaken! My two originals Cassie and Orion are the biggest sweeties ever! little kids even love em. If more people got to know how snakes really were I doubt they'd be as afraid of them.



Retired Staff
Apr 21, 2009
Auckland, NZ
LOl iv got a picture of my 2 year old with a 40cm children's around her neck, she wont leave it alone, the wife hates snakes so i tell her to show mummy always a good laugh:yes:


Nov 7, 2009
I've had the occassional run in at our local Petsmart when I bring the snakes for an "outing". Just recently had a rather large guy start cussing at me because "I was in the way with my #%!@^*$ snakes" when he clearly could have gone the other way. So my response was simple "If you were afraid and simply asked me to move I would have done so"...he blamed his gf (who wasn't in sight) and left with his tail tucked between his legs while a little 6 year old boy was holding my Fire Ball Python. He pretty much got ownt xD!



Jan 31, 2010
excellent pics and beautifull balls, i have a normal female and a male mojave, gonna start breeding soon, must get some pics up


Nov 7, 2009
Emma, thanks for the kind words and I look forward to those pics of your pythons! I just added 2 more to my collection, another male and female, names are Vela(female) and Vega(male),(totals up to 3 breeder size pairs [re-sexed my yellowbelly and her male to find out they were a pair! yay!] all named after stars/constellations) some nice oddballs, female looks het ghost and she's a bigggggg girl so I'm excited for next breeding season. I have one pair that are breeding right now and the other two pairs need some conditioning before next season so I'm hoping for eggs from Orion and Cassie the fire and axanthic, the pics do the colors no justice but I'll have to get more up of the new ones.

Will be posting new fishy pics soon as well, the saltwater "estuary" has just exploded in growth!

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Nov 7, 2009
Doodles, lol they don't seem to run away as much, they tend to gravitate towards the camera :p

Spent some time with my Valentines day gifts last night (the new Ball pythons) and how it escaped me I'm not sure but the beauty of a female is a Mojave! I knew that pattern was stumping me for some reason and then the hamster wheel in my head started turning again lol. She's a real looker, I'll definitely get pics soon...still don't know how it eluded me...
