Type of fish/goods:- Longfin Albino Bristlenose
Sex(if known):- Female
Size/Rating:- 9CM / Adult
Breeding:- Yes 3 times now
Qty:- 1
Price:- $50
Location:- Clayfield Brisbane
Shipping Y/N:- No sorry
Contact:- PM me
Comments:- Very good egg layer. Very healthy. Nice long fins and looks like she is full of eggs again
Type of fish/goods:- Longfin Albino Bristlenose
Sex(if known):- Female
Size/Rating:- 9CM / Adult
Breeding:- Yes 3 times now
Qty:- 1
Price:- $50
Location:- Clayfield Brisbane
Shipping Y/N:- No sorry
Contact:- PM me
Comments:- Very good egg layer. Very healthy. Nice long fins and looks like she is full of eggs again