Fungus Help


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk

About a month ago i purchased a lda33 and an l200 high fin both about 2" long, after 3 days i noticed the high fin had some fungus on but the lda33 was fine, the shop said just to add some salt and leave tank quiet and all would be fine.

So after about a week of this i noticed the high fin still not better and not eating, the lda33 is eating and seems fine but noticed my cichlids were rubbing on things and flicking/twitching so i starting using some waterlife protozin for a full course at half dose this didnt really do anything so 3 days after end of treatment i started a full course of waterlife myxazin at half dose with immediate results the cichlid all looked better no symptoms but my dull eyed royal devoloped fungus on day 2 of the myxazin and got worse over two days and sadly died. The high fin seems better but just cannot get it to eat so has lost loads of weight.

Now this t bar cichlid has not responded to the treatment and im unsure what to do, ive changed 25% water every 4 days and its been 2 since the last dose of myxazin but this t bar cichlid looks in a bad way not sure what to do now anyone any idea whats wrong with it?



Nov 5, 2009
Sheffield UK
looks the same as what was on my cories. Treated it with Esha whitespot and esha 2000 both together which you can do and it cleared up a treat. Although it wasnt quite as bad as yours


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk
Hi again :)

the high fin has fungus on top edge of its dorsal also on edges of back side fins and bit on top edge of tail fin, seems to be gettin better but cant get it to eat tried everything :(

the royal had fungus on its side and all the back end the last day its tail rotted away.

after using protozin i changed 30% water and left it 3 days but no carbon before using myxazin that finished on weds, yesterday i changed 30% but didnt carbon in i was going to leave it 4 days and maybe try esha 2000, should i add carbon first to clear tank? my main question is bacterial or parasite treatment i not sure now, i can get some esha exit aswell


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Def add some carbon for 24 hours, then do another water change before adding the new meds. The accumulation of meds in the tank aren't going to help and could actually make things much worse.

I spoke to another member who suggested it may be bacterial and tbh it does look a lot like the pictures on the jbl hospital link in the sticky at the top of the health forum, antibiotics would be your best best but as not easily available in the uk, something like esha 2000 would be your best bet. Whether you use esha exit as well or not is up to you but i would certainly try the 2000.


Nov 5, 2009
Sheffield UK
like doodles says do a fairly large water change first as you dont want to be doing it once you start treating. The beauty about the esha treatments is you can use them at the same time and also for longer than normal. If you are using both though add an airstone


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk
just put carbon in one of my externals, had to buy the esha 2000 off ebay yesterday so hopefully will come weekend, dont think i can get any esha exit until next week again off ebay so i will prob just try the one.

The high fin id say 60% of the fungus has come off but it so thin cant see it making it but been thinking for that for last two weeks. Really hope it does.


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk
well just as i turned night light off last night before bed i checked on the high fin and found my 3 beacon munching on it, could only have missed it dying by half hour or so :(

then when i checked tank this morning before work the t bar had died during the night sometime, double :(
a case of too little to late on my part im afraid thanks for your advice anyway.
gonna order the exit tonight keep checking the others til then and add both i think, noticed couple of other have some white stuff near dorsal fins but only couple mm so hard to tell.


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Sorry to hear that Ric, try and get a hospital tank for future use, a lot of diseases and parasites etc travel via munching on dead ones.


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
oh dear so sorry, must have been a real vigourous infection.
have you considered UV this can help a bit to prevent these things ?


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk
oh dear so sorry, must have been a real vigourous infection.
have you considered UV this can help a bit to prevent these things ?
Dont think it over yet, i left the tank running a week with carbon then did a coarse of esha 2000 and exit, that was a week ago and all fungus has cleared but my black ghost is bloated and one of my angels has whitespot i think. Dont want to add any more meds tho so trying to keep water tip top and see what happens.

Dont know much about uv? Do i get uv lights over tank or add them to filters? Its quite a big tank so sounds expensive Any tips on where to start would be great :D


UK Support Team
May 14, 2009
Norfolk, UK
sounds like you have an unhealthy tank? perhaps the meds (sorry they are ones I dont know so no idea) have not helped the filter bacteria.
may be worth big w/c, gravel clean etc and add some bio starter or something to help the flters? then I would just add some gentle non-toxic medicine like pimafix maybe. dont know why whitespot should emerge on one fish -could it be the fungus?

UV options depend a bit on how tank is set up etc. you can add vecton into the inlet water feed from external filters. I use the cheaper option of having an internal filter (as back up to my external anyway) with built in UV - made by aquael.


Mar 13, 2010
blackburn uk
Did a 30% water change yesterday, been doing this every 4 days or so anyway, then added some interpet no14 filter start. Almost immediately after adding the final lot of water my black ghost came out from hiding and laid near front of tank not looking very well still bloated.
Im wondering its something to do with my water changes ive always used api stress coat and gravel cleaned the only thing that i changed a couple of months ago is added a mixture of warm and cold water to get a better temp of water due to losing two fish last year to cold shock, could it be the stress coat isnt removing any metals coming from my boiler? How else can i keep the water temp up if not with hot tap?


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Hey ric, many apologies for delay in reply.

Boil some water in the kettle and mix with cold until roughly tank temp, then add stresscoat. Don't use hot tap water, all sorts of crap can be in it.

Hows he doing?