About a month ago i purchased a lda33 and an l200 high fin both about 2" long, after 3 days i noticed the high fin had some fungus on but the lda33 was fine, the shop said just to add some salt and leave tank quiet and all would be fine.
So after about a week of this i noticed the high fin still not better and not eating, the lda33 is eating and seems fine but noticed my cichlids were rubbing on things and flicking/twitching so i starting using some waterlife protozin for a full course at half dose this didnt really do anything so 3 days after end of treatment i started a full course of waterlife myxazin at half dose with immediate results the cichlid all looked better no symptoms but my dull eyed royal devoloped fungus on day 2 of the myxazin and got worse over two days and sadly died. The high fin seems better but just cannot get it to eat so has lost loads of weight.
Now this t bar cichlid has not responded to the treatment and im unsure what to do, ive changed 25% water every 4 days and its been 2 since the last dose of myxazin but this t bar cichlid looks in a bad way not sure what to do now anyone any idea whats wrong with it?

About a month ago i purchased a lda33 and an l200 high fin both about 2" long, after 3 days i noticed the high fin had some fungus on but the lda33 was fine, the shop said just to add some salt and leave tank quiet and all would be fine.
So after about a week of this i noticed the high fin still not better and not eating, the lda33 is eating and seems fine but noticed my cichlids were rubbing on things and flicking/twitching so i starting using some waterlife protozin for a full course at half dose this didnt really do anything so 3 days after end of treatment i started a full course of waterlife myxazin at half dose with immediate results the cichlid all looked better no symptoms but my dull eyed royal devoloped fungus on day 2 of the myxazin and got worse over two days and sadly died. The high fin seems better but just cannot get it to eat so has lost loads of weight.
Now this t bar cichlid has not responded to the treatment and im unsure what to do, ive changed 25% water every 4 days and its been 2 since the last dose of myxazin but this t bar cichlid looks in a bad way not sure what to do now anyone any idea whats wrong with it?