I have a 10 gallon that has finished it's cycling period... I took about 2 months doing so to make sure it worked. It now houses a male BN (I know, kinda small, but he's not too big yet) and it needed a heater. I am only 16, but know I need a quality heater. I simply couldn't afford the $40-$50 Fluvals, and no Hydors or Marinelands were big enough at my LFS, they only stock ones for <5 gallons... So... I ended up buying a Penn-Plax Cascade 50w for $20... They had quite a few cheaper ones but I didn't feel comfortable buying one... This seems like a good heater, and I'm letting it adjust 15 mins before plugging in like it says. Is this a decent heater? I know PennPlax isn't so fantastic all the time, but it seems ALL brands have their advocates and their haters... LOL. Thanks for any insight.