Greetings from Edmonton, Alberta area


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
Alberta, Canada
Hello All..

I'm new to this site. Not entirely new to Pleco-mania.

We have an unidentified (sold as marble-sailfin) pleco that we've had for about 8 or 9 years now.

"He" is approx 19" long. The aquarium is definitely his domain.

Originally had 2, but this big fella starved out the other one about 6 years ago. (we were new to al of this then)

Started out in a 30 gallon set-up. Now he rules the roost in 90 gallons.

'Pleco-mania' for us means that when we get the basement done-up, we'll probably end up with a 250 gallon set up, just so 'he' is happy.

Someday I'dlike to know just what type he really is. But it's no big deal.

Looking forward to learning a bunch here.



New Member
Mar 8, 2010
Alberta, Canada
Thanks for the kind welcome... and the link!

Yep that looks like Plecky alright.

"A powerful filter system is recommended, as this fish produces a lot of waste. "

Lol... understatement!!!