Hello All..
I'm new to this site. Not entirely new to Pleco-mania.
We have an unidentified (sold as marble-sailfin) pleco that we've had for about 8 or 9 years now.
"He" is approx 19" long. The aquarium is definitely his domain.
Originally had 2, but this big fella starved out the other one about 6 years ago. (we were new to al of this then)
Started out in a 30 gallon set-up. Now he rules the roost in 90 gallons.
'Pleco-mania' for us means that when we get the basement done-up, we'll probably end up with a 250 gallon set up, just so 'he' is happy.
Someday I'dlike to know just what type he really is. But it's no big deal.
Looking forward to learning a bunch here.
I'm new to this site. Not entirely new to Pleco-mania.
We have an unidentified (sold as marble-sailfin) pleco that we've had for about 8 or 9 years now.
"He" is approx 19" long. The aquarium is definitely his domain.
Originally had 2, but this big fella starved out the other one about 6 years ago. (we were new to al of this then)
Started out in a 30 gallon set-up. Now he rules the roost in 90 gallons.
'Pleco-mania' for us means that when we get the basement done-up, we'll probably end up with a 250 gallon set up, just so 'he' is happy.
Someday I'dlike to know just what type he really is. But it's no big deal.
Looking forward to learning a bunch here.