Hello, from Adelaide


Jun 10, 2010
Hi everyone!

My name is Rachel or better known as Ravyk.

I live in Adelaide, Australia with my partner Paul, two dogs, multiple aquariums, a frog, a snake and a blue yabby [freshwater crayfish].

Between us we keep the following:
-4ft Tropical Planted Community Tank with 3 Clown Loaches, 1 Pakistani Loach, 4 Common Bristlenoses, 2 Peppermint Bristlenoses, 1 Rainbow Shark, 1 Golden Halfbeak and Red Cherry Shrimp
-2 1/2ft Tropical Planted Shrimp, Bristlenose and Nano Tank with 5 juv Common Bristlenoses, 2 Peppermint Bristlenoses, 4 Dwarf Chilli Rasboras, 2 Clown Panchax, 1 Golden Halfbeak and 150+ Red Cherry Shrimp
-2 1/2ft Coldwater Tank with 1 17cm Blue yabby/freshwater crayfish
-1 1/2ft Tropical Breeding Tank with 17 Golden Halfbeak fry, red cherry shrimp and 4 glass shrimp

I love catfish, and am looking forward to getting some L's in the near future. I want to get some of the following: L201, L397, L002 and L046s. :drool: