Hey All,
Figured we should do an introduction post. Jade and myself have been keeping fish for a few years now, and in the last year become big fans of plecos. I myself am fascinated with them. Jade used to breed bristlenoses a good many years back.
We have 2 large plecos, a gold coloured one, and a dark spotted one. We also have a Sailfin pleco, who is much smaller. Also in our tank is a Scat, a Gold Severum, Clown Loach and a Pakistani Loach.
We have a 2 year old daughter who loves to stare at the tank, and yell "FISH" at the top of her lungs.
Anyways, enough about us, I have posts to read.
Figured we should do an introduction post. Jade and myself have been keeping fish for a few years now, and in the last year become big fans of plecos. I myself am fascinated with them. Jade used to breed bristlenoses a good many years back.
We have 2 large plecos, a gold coloured one, and a dark spotted one. We also have a Sailfin pleco, who is much smaller. Also in our tank is a Scat, a Gold Severum, Clown Loach and a Pakistani Loach.
We have a 2 year old daughter who loves to stare at the tank, and yell "FISH" at the top of her lungs.
Anyways, enough about us, I have posts to read.