Hello from Canada!


New Member
Feb 19, 2011
Beeton, ON
Hi there everyone! I just joined this forum so I thought it best I should introduce myself. I am a fishkeeper from Ontario, Canada. I have kept various tanks over the years, mostly with ciclids and common plecos and even a small foray into saltwater...

Currently I am running a 75G tank with 4 wild angels, and 5 teeny clown loach. I am also running a 35G adolescent golden veiled angelfish tank with a common pleco, a 37G with a pair of breeding veiled angels and a 20G with a couple of young paired off angels.

I was hoping that you can help me decide on a small dwarf pleco that I can safely add to the 75G tank to control the algae. I would like it to be a special, fancy pleco so some cool colouring would be neat. My angels are pretty good fish that leave the clown loaches alone. Would a pleco be ok in this tank? Does anyone have any suggestion on what kind I should look at?

I have limited knowledge of the varieties, only that the common plecos grow fast!



New Member
Feb 19, 2011
Beeton, ON
Hi Stan,

That is a lot of fish to go through. Any suggestions on which to start with? ie) the ones that don't grow so large?


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
:hi: Hi Norman, welcome to plecoplanet.
Its a bit of a misconception that a pleco will keep your tank free of algae, some may graze on the glass for a while, but most wont.
common Bristle noses are probably one of the best for cleaning algae, but even these can get lazy and not bother.
Look for a plec that you really like the look of rather than its cleaning ability, i dont think there are many prettier than L134, peckoltia compta


New Member
Feb 19, 2011
Beeton, ON
Thanks Scats I will look it up. My common pleco seems to do a great job on the tank with my angels. He does however love the bloodworms so you are right, algae is not the only thing he will eat...

Edited to add: Wow that is one gorgeous pleco! I wonder if I can find one..
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