Hello from Darwin, NT


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
Darwin, NT
Hi everyone,

I live in the rural area of Darwin and have been a fishkeeper for 2 years now.

I don't own any plecos however I do own a few albino corys which I have bred successfully.

I don't have MTS yet either! I have 1 x 4ft community tank, 1 x 15L shrimp tank and a water feature pot outside.

My 4ft tank has the following:

6 albino corys
2 clown loaches
1 silver shark
5 sword tails
6 black widow tetras
3 angels
2 bristlenose catfish
2 glowlights (had more but they're slowly being consumed by the big fish)
5 neon tetras (same as above)

The pot outside has native blue eyes in it to keep the mozzies down and keep the frogs happy.


Retired Staff
Apr 8, 2009
Devon, UK
ooh ooh ooh, you DO have pleco's, "2 bristlenose catfish" lol

welcome to plecoplanet, give us 6 months to work on you and you'll soon have plenty of more tanks.