Hello from East Lansing, Michigan, USA


Dec 5, 2010
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
I found the site from a Google search that led to something that led to something else that led here.

I have seven L333s that are two to three inches. I'm hoping they'll be of spawning size or age next summer. They are currently in a bare bottom 20h with black plastic tubes, white plastic tubes, a couple of ceramic tile caves, some small wood, and a large angel fish for company. I'm building a rack that will contain, amongst others, three 18"x24"x12" high "pleco" tanks. One for these, one for a batch of long fin bristle noses, and one for the next species.

I've sprayed the bottom of the tanks with 'stone' texture paint, backed by a solid color. It looks like sand under the glass.