Hi, I'm new here
I have 4 fishtanks
30 gal
40 gal
75 gal
100 gallon
I only have a pair of bristlenoses, in the past i have had a vampire plec, a sultan plec and various others.
I'm nursing my bristle noses back to health a bit as I had them in with very greedy fish that out competed them for food. I'm reducing the number of fish i keep and hoping to breed some. I currently have some krib & endler fry and bred aluminium catfish a long time ago but would like to keep and try breed some other catfish such as plecos, whiptails, or corydoras. I also have a pair of little Centromochlus perugiae that I want to try breeding.
I have 4 fishtanks
30 gal
40 gal
75 gal
100 gallon
I only have a pair of bristlenoses, in the past i have had a vampire plec, a sultan plec and various others.
I'm nursing my bristle noses back to health a bit as I had them in with very greedy fish that out competed them for food. I'm reducing the number of fish i keep and hoping to breed some. I currently have some krib & endler fry and bred aluminium catfish a long time ago but would like to keep and try breed some other catfish such as plecos, whiptails, or corydoras. I also have a pair of little Centromochlus perugiae that I want to try breeding.