

New Member
Oct 30, 2011
Oldham UK
Hi all!

I'm Kat, from Oldham in the UK. I'm 21 and currently an assistant manager in a Jewellers!

I currently own 2x Figure 8 Puffers, 8x Harlequins, 1x Royal Panaque Pleco, 1x Albino Corydora, 1x Bronze Corydora.

I joined up as I recently just had 2 of my fish die. 1x Adolphi Corydora and 1x Blue Phantom Pleco.

The one I was wondering most about was my Blue Phantom, I have a small piece of bogwood in my tank and I couldn't see my Pleco for a couple of days. He normally comes to the front and has a little spot clean before going to hide again. Me and my boyfriend decided to have a look for him and as I picked the bogwood out I noticed him on it. On closer inspection he had himself stuck in a hole and was struggling to free himself, we popped it back in the water but he still couldn't get out. So extremely gently my boyfriend pulled the bogwood away and pulled the pleco and when I say gently I mean really gently!

He came out with our help but a few minutes later died, whether this was due to shock or he hurt himself, he did have a few marks on him where his body was stuck.

I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and why my Pleco was in there in the first place? I've read it was because he was frightened? Not sure what of because there isn't anything that's changed. If anyone could shed some light on this I'd be very grateful.

Looking forward to seeing all your fishes!!


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
Hello Kat and :welcome:,

sorry for your loss. Plecos usually hide during the day and love bogwood, stone etc to hide in. Some prefer a tighter fit than others. If they get scared they do tend to move in as far as possible, and maybe this is what happened. If you have you tank in a common room or living room, i would suggest to have plenty of wood and caves for them to feel comfortable in. Caves can be slate, rock, wood, bamboo etc, it gives them more sense of ease. Show us a photo of your tank as well. cheers and hope you get another blue phantom as they are stunners. cheers jk :thumbup:


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
Oldham UK
Thanks for the reply, I think he jammed himself in a little too far. I will most definitely be getting another, beautiful aren't they? I will get pictures of my tank on when I am happy with it, currently doing some DIY in there!!



Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
maybe also get some various sizes of caves and place a piece of slate or bogwood over the top of the entrance. gives them more security. cheers jk :thumbup:


Retired Staff
Aug 9, 2009
West Midlands
Hiya and welcome :hi:

Sorry to hear about your blue phantom getting stuck :cry: I've had a couple of plecs do this over the years. Not sure whether they get scared into going deeper in the wood and not able to get out but I try and make sure now the wood I have doesn't have too many holes and just pile a couple of pieces around so that they create natural hiding spots which hopefully they can get out of :thumbup: