

New Member
Aug 25, 2015
St. Petersburg, Florida
I'm Brian, from St. Petersburg, Fl. Right south of Tampa. I have had an alligator snapper for about 3-4 years now. Right now he's in a 55 gallon breeder. But I decided to go out on a whim and buy a 120 gallon tank, sump, canopy, parts, pumps for a good deal. Later found out that snappers need low water levels. So I decided I'll put him in a pond a year or two down the road. Maybe just get a 90 gallon for him. Anyways, my plans for the tank are to completely drown it in plants. Carpet the floor, driftwood with moss covering, huge plants in the back or sides. So a few days ago, tank being empty besides driftwood and small gravel, bought a super gorgeous Pleco. When it moves, the tail and fins flail out and its just marvelous to watch. I can't wait till it gets bigger, but I don't know anything about this Pleco though. The guy said it was a butterfly pleco, but I couldn't find anything online about them. Maybe you guys could help, L # maybe? Thanks guys, looking forward to checking out more of the forums and meeting cool fish people.
