Nope. Many commonly run external filters that are "rated" for larger tanks. Rated is in quotes as manufacturers never fully explain how they rate filters. Normally its simply based on how many times a filter turns over a tank, for example a company may rate a filter for a 200l tank if it pumps 1000l per hour (5x) and for a 300l tank if it pumps 1500l per hour (again, 5x). There are many other factors to take into consideration such as how much & what type of filter media the filter has. Finally, and probably most importantly, manufacturers never state how many fish they intend to be housed in the tank. One could house 1 neon tetra or 2000 in a 200l tank, obviously differnet filters would be required to support the fish. On average most tanks are a bit on the heavily stocked side so most people on here probably run filters rated for a tank larger than they have and/or run multiple filters.
You can however run too large a filter if the flow is too high. If the flow from the filter causes the fish & decor to be buffeted around the tank then the flow is probably too high. I have though run tanks with flow (combination of all filters & powerheads) in excess of 20x the volume without noticing seeing negative effects.