help sexing and breeding l333


Sep 6, 2011
Ive had these 4 L333 for over 15 months
Was sold to me as breeders
Havnt had any luck with them yet as I thought if i just left them alone they would breed eventually as I read in a few forums.
So maybe I have all males?
They seem to be really fat maybe gravid?
If anyone could give me some tips to breeding It would help me out alot
Details are below

water changes - 30% weekly like clockwork
sometimes rain water sometimes tapwater
ph neutral, nitrates, nitrites, amonia all ok
they are in a 4ft tank which is separated into 1ft
so basically a 1 ft tank(see last photos)
maybe tank to small?
2 slate caves and 1 ceramic cave
1 airstone, driftwood

1st 2 images are of the 4 of them
click to make larger