Help sexing my BN group please


Jan 13, 2012
HI there! It's been a while since I've posted but I need you expertise, please:hi:

I purchased 5 baby BNs about 9 months ago. They have been growing well and eating like pigs, so much fun to watch. I have decided to narrow the group down to a pair, in hopes of them breeding one day.

About 2 months ago, two of them started to show their bristles. Two others have none, and one is still very small.

I'm just looking for comformation that the two that have grown bristles are male and the other two are female.

They are all between 3 and 3.5 inches long. The little one is barely 1.5 inches. Not sure he he never grew.

Any insight you could give me would be great! Thanks!

pic of possible females

Another shot of possible female

Possible Male

Other possible male(the largest of them all) and little "runt" behind

two possible females together

Fat female?

three of the group of five