Help. Sick fish. Ich


New Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hello I was hoping someone could help

My fish are dying of ich.

I have a 65 gallon tank with 5 cichlids 1 cat fish and 1 Pleco
They are babies just got from pet store 1 week ago

I had tank for 12 yrs with no problems
A few died here or there but where that age
Or some offspring (not sure how long they live)

Got new fish from pet store
Killed all the fish except 3 which are in separate tank and doing well

Tried using ich meds but it was too late

I ran tank with no fish hot water and meds for two weeks

Got 7 replaced fish from pet store 1 week later
See spots on catfish. He dies
I put in ich med again. 50% water change

Then I got quick cure. Day 1 did 25% water change
Added 32 drops. It says to add 1 drop per g but 1 for
Every 2 g if tetra family. I did this since Pleco and catfish
More sensitive. Removed carbon

Day 2 32 drops. No water change
Day 3. Today. Did not do yet. Says add 32 drops

It says to do for 3 days. I know that is not
Long enough. It says can do 59%wc and start again

What should I do from here? Should I add salt?
I am trying to increase the temp but it is only up to 76
I think it is the heater so I am going to get
A new one and air stone today. I have a canister
Water levels are good. Saw spots on Pleco but not now
Bumblebees don't have any spots but dull color more grey than yellow

Could I add Morton non iodized salt? How much
Is safe with Pleco

Thank you for any help you could give


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
welcome to Pleco planet and glad that you have found us. Sorry for your fish, however did you put your new fish in a quarantine tank first ? Anyway I would invest in one for the future and they are not expensive. I would treat as per the other emails but def no salt. good luck cheers jk :thumbup: