Help with tank issues


New Member
Mar 25, 2022
I have a beautiful BNP that is about 8" long. He has been in a 10 gal tank since he was about 1.5inches. I have tried to re-home him in my area. I cannot afford nor want another larger tank (already have a 20 gal bow front with Sweet Lucille BNP keeping it clean). I am having issues with the water. Unfortunately, I picked up pond snails when I put some plants in and have been working diligently for a while trying to eradicate them. I have had the water tested multiple times and have been told it is fine. However, there it is always cloudy and after a day or two, it turns a brownish color. I keep changing (or rinsing) the filer and there is a lot of mushy brown stuff on it that rinses right off but the water never clears up. There are also to Corey's in there.