Hi Guys,
Have been lurking here for a long time so decided I should start posting :hi:
I used to have about 30 tanks setup at my dads house, now living in my own house with my sister, I have about 5-6 tanks setup.
Currently have;
Trio Albino Bristlenose
2 x L397
4 x Oto's
Lots of CRS
Lots of CBS
Cherry Shrimp
Ninja Shrimp
Endlers Live bearers
Trio Apistogramma Cacatoides
Will be adding the following catties VERY soon :woohoo: ;
Peppermint Bristlenose
Longfin Albinos
Royal Whiptails
Some more 397s.
See you around the forums :thumbup:
Have been lurking here for a long time so decided I should start posting :hi:
I used to have about 30 tanks setup at my dads house, now living in my own house with my sister, I have about 5-6 tanks setup.
Currently have;
Trio Albino Bristlenose
2 x L397
4 x Oto's
Lots of CRS
Lots of CBS
Cherry Shrimp
Ninja Shrimp
Endlers Live bearers
Trio Apistogramma Cacatoides
Will be adding the following catties VERY soon :woohoo: ;
Peppermint Bristlenose
Longfin Albinos
Royal Whiptails
Some more 397s.
See you around the forums :thumbup: