Hey new member looking for an ID :)


New Member
Aug 12, 2012
Wales, UK
Hello everyone :)

I'm new to smaller species of pleco. I had a common when I was younger but didn't really know anything about him as he was my mums. I didn't know there were so many kinds!

I have an adult BN pleco and today I picked up a baby pleco, about 1inch believe he is around 2-3 months old. The breeder said he wasn't 100% sure only that he knows they he or she is a bristlenose.

He (or she) is dark, I'd say black or a black coffee brown in colour with a spotty pattern. Even white spots mostly with white on the tip of his tail. Can put a pic up if anyone can tell me how :) My adult male who's a little bit more elusive (so no good pics) is a dark brown with like a dirty yellowy coloured marble effect all over him. He's about a year old. I baught him from my LFS and they couldn't tell me anything other than he was BN.

Thanks in advance.