Hey there! meet me and all my tanks/setups!


Mar 29, 2010
Hey there everyone!
Sorry it took me a bit to post a "hello" to all of you.
been busy.

Any how. on with it then.

Tank1 (listed in the order i can see them from right now. there is no preference per sey)

T1= 90 gallon community cichlid setup.
---1 haplochromis (hap), 3 "giraffe" cichlids (cow fishies), 1 black con. baby (angus), 1 jewel cichlid strawberry, 1 hongi cichlid (attilla the hongi), 1 electric yellow lab.(lemon), 1 neolamp tetrocephalus (lil frontosa guy), 1 neolamp brichardi (pineapple), (i think thats all...) each fish is juvenile.

T2= 75 gallon amazon (sortof) setup.
---Leon the RTC. (not a perm. home for sure, lol) no worries.

T3= 10gallon
---temp home for unidentified cichlid (Webber)

T4= 29 galllon (pleco set up 1)
---4 line pimodella catfish (feeeesh)(needs new home (alone!), 1 11inch plecostomus (Pleco).. hypostomus plecostomus.. perhaps...? any one can ID if i catch a good pic)

T5= 29 gallon dwarf puff setup (planted)
---8 black neon tetras (dither fish), 1 japonica shrimp, 5 ottos, 7 dwarf puffers

T6= 5.5 gallon currently empty

T7= 20 gallon (pleco setup 2)
---1 L191 royal pleco (yellow tail) (bumblebee)and 1 "green opal spot" which is actually a blue phantom (phantom)and then a very small baby black convict cichlid(colemann).

T8=20 gallon currently empty

think thats everything.
might be getting some platys as dithers for the 20 (which will be for the new and 1 Hypancistrus Zebra (L46) i have and am in the process of getting.

(the one Zebra i currently have is in a breeder box inside the 29g planted dwarf puffster setup.) the 20 is intended for the zebs only.
the L191 and blue phantom are just in there temp. because the 4 line seems to have been bothering them. (or theres the chance also that it was Pleco.

Ok hope to see y'all soon!!
sorry its long...


Mar 29, 2010
ok so the lineup is a bit different now.

1st of all i forgot the coldwater koi tank.
a 45 gallon coldwater (not heated) tank. 1 yello koi (pea), 1 goldfish (sold to us a s a koi)Koibert), and a shubunkin koi (pinky).
this tank just got a new friend!
Spot a baby channel catfish. whata cutie. eating, swimming and seems quite happy!

2ndly THe L191, bumblebee, he had a sunken belly, and we tried clout. and tried it again. about 5 hours into the 2nd treatment (because i had stopped the 1st early due to his stress) he was motionless, adn i saw him just as he had died. poor lilttle guy.

#rdly in the 20 that bumble bee was in, (the black baby con moved and the Phantom moved.) now has
Nugget, a little gold nugget pleco.

Yesterday morning he was on the floor! i thought he had died.
I was wrong. i picked him up and watched his body, i thought i saw a slight breath, so i put him quickly into the tank. he drifted down landing on his back. i thought he was gone. but he regained his coloring and strarted breathing big breaths! i was so happy!
Now since this has hapend i havw not witnessed him eating.
Would this kind of event cause such a finiky plec to go on a hunger strike. i know thye're stubborn, and can die this was (not eating)

The 10g with webber in it now just has the blue phantom, and webber the unidentified cichlid is in a new 20g long. she loves it there and phantom loves his 10g all to himself.