Hey there everyone!
Sorry it took me a bit to post a "hello" to all of you.
been busy.
Any how. on with it then.
Tank1 (listed in the order i can see them from right now. there is no preference per sey)
T1= 90 gallon community cichlid setup.
---1 haplochromis (hap), 3 "giraffe" cichlids (cow fishies), 1 black con. baby (angus), 1 jewel cichlid strawberry, 1 hongi cichlid (attilla the hongi), 1 electric yellow lab.(lemon), 1 neolamp tetrocephalus (lil frontosa guy), 1 neolamp brichardi (pineapple), (i think thats all...) each fish is juvenile.
T2= 75 gallon amazon (sortof) setup.
---Leon the RTC. (not a perm. home for sure, lol) no worries.
T3= 10gallon
---temp home for unidentified cichlid (Webber)
T4= 29 galllon (pleco set up 1)
---4 line pimodella catfish (feeeesh)(needs new home (alone!), 1 11inch plecostomus (Pleco).. hypostomus plecostomus.. perhaps...? any one can ID if i catch a good pic)
T5= 29 gallon dwarf puff setup (planted)
---8 black neon tetras (dither fish), 1 japonica shrimp, 5 ottos, 7 dwarf puffers
T6= 5.5 gallon currently empty
T7= 20 gallon (pleco setup 2)
---1 L191 royal pleco (yellow tail) (bumblebee)and 1 "green opal spot" which is actually a blue phantom (phantom)and then a very small baby black convict cichlid(colemann).
T8=20 gallon currently empty
think thats everything.
might be getting some platys as dithers for the 20 (which will be for the new and 1 Hypancistrus Zebra (L46) i have and am in the process of getting.
(the one Zebra i currently have is in a breeder box inside the 29g planted dwarf puffster setup.) the 20 is intended for the zebs only.
the L191 and blue phantom are just in there temp. because the 4 line seems to have been bothering them. (or theres the chance also that it was Pleco.
Ok hope to see y'all soon!!
sorry its long...
Sorry it took me a bit to post a "hello" to all of you.
been busy.
Any how. on with it then.
Tank1 (listed in the order i can see them from right now. there is no preference per sey)
T1= 90 gallon community cichlid setup.
---1 haplochromis (hap), 3 "giraffe" cichlids (cow fishies), 1 black con. baby (angus), 1 jewel cichlid strawberry, 1 hongi cichlid (attilla the hongi), 1 electric yellow lab.(lemon), 1 neolamp tetrocephalus (lil frontosa guy), 1 neolamp brichardi (pineapple), (i think thats all...) each fish is juvenile.
T2= 75 gallon amazon (sortof) setup.
---Leon the RTC. (not a perm. home for sure, lol) no worries.
T3= 10gallon
---temp home for unidentified cichlid (Webber)
T4= 29 galllon (pleco set up 1)
---4 line pimodella catfish (feeeesh)(needs new home (alone!), 1 11inch plecostomus (Pleco).. hypostomus plecostomus.. perhaps...? any one can ID if i catch a good pic)
T5= 29 gallon dwarf puff setup (planted)
---8 black neon tetras (dither fish), 1 japonica shrimp, 5 ottos, 7 dwarf puffers
T6= 5.5 gallon currently empty
T7= 20 gallon (pleco setup 2)
---1 L191 royal pleco (yellow tail) (bumblebee)and 1 "green opal spot" which is actually a blue phantom (phantom)and then a very small baby black convict cichlid(colemann).
T8=20 gallon currently empty
think thats everything.
might be getting some platys as dithers for the 20 (which will be for the new and 1 Hypancistrus Zebra (L46) i have and am in the process of getting.
(the one Zebra i currently have is in a breeder box inside the 29g planted dwarf puffster setup.) the 20 is intended for the zebs only.
the L191 and blue phantom are just in there temp. because the 4 line seems to have been bothering them. (or theres the chance also that it was Pleco.
Ok hope to see y'all soon!!
sorry its long...